Environmental Laboratory Analysis Services
ISO 17025:2017
Our extensive dedicated environmental laboratory provides accurate, efficient, and fast analytical services for research, advisory, and regulatory compliance purposes.
Our most important principle is to ensure reliable, accurate results. To this end, we have implemented a quality assurance system with close supervision. Our team combines training in analytical chemistry, biology, and physics to not merely record measurements, but interpret the data obtained. Our laboratory was accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works in 1997 and has been ISO 17025 accredited by the Indonesian Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) since 2006.
Water & Wastewater Analysis
For water and wastewater treatment, a thorough laboratory analysis is the first step in characterizing the water properties of interest. An early analysis can save considerable expense by helping to determine a customized design according to the specific conditions of each project.
All water and wastewater analyses are conducted in NWC’s own ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. In our microbiological laboratory, we are able to identify a wide spectrum of bacteria and other microorganisms. The analytical laboratory provides a broad range of analysis of water, wastewater and river water in compliance with the SNI requirements of the Indonesian Government. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) is employed for heavy metal analysis, while VIS-Spectrophotometry is used to identify various anions and cations in solution.

NWC staff analysts processing samples in our main Jakarta facility

Atomic absorption spectrometer, essential for heavy metal detection

NWC laboratory bench at our main Jakarta facility.
Ambient & Emission Air Analysis
Our customers increasingly recognize the importance of monitoring air quality, both from the ambient environment in an area of interest as well as industrial emissions. NWC has recently expanded air monitoring capacity with new isokinetic air samplers, enabling accurate and precise measurement of common air pollutants.

Testing ambient air in a Jakarta office complex.

Ambient air analysis at a fuel station.

Emission sampling at an industrial smokestack.
River Quality Monitoring
Rivers are the source of water for many local populations, but also the recipient of their waste. Our river water quality analysis teams analyze samples from water bodies to monitor industrial effluents and help ensure healthy ecosystems for people and surrounding wildlife.
Industrial Hygiene
People devote their time, energy, and labor to the workplace. Their health should be protected while they are on the job. NWC is ramping up capacity for industrial hygiene analyses, including light, dust, and noise measurements, to ensure a safe and healthy environment for workers and the wider community.
By proactively identifying and mitigating threats to health and wellbeing in the workplace, a strong industrial hygiene program signals a commitment to employees and the community. It keeps workers healthy, reduces downtime, and ensures compliance with occupational health and safety laws.
NWC's industrial hygiene services include monitoring illumination, acoustic noise, vibration, dust particulate levels, and more. Let us help you provide safety, peace of mind, and high morale for a productive workforce.

Thermal environment monitoring in a temperature-sensitive facility.

Noise exposure measurements at an industrial park in the Jakarta region.